• What did Letters from immigrants back homeit feel like to leave your country and find yourself on the other side of the world, expecting to be allowed in the USA? PMF's TES have tried to imagine Irish immigrants' arrival through Ellis Island and the letters they would have sent home. Travel back in time here

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  • Putting people in boxesStereotypes is something we all tend to do. It just feels reassuring to label strangers so as to know how to deal with them. But don't we miss discovering who people really are? PMF's Ls have been exploring stereotypes and they organised their findings in this mindmap.

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    As aThe image of woman: an awareness campaign against sexism final task for their study of the image of woman, PMF's TL LVA had to create a document for an awareness campaign against sexism. Here are their productions. Some chose to denounce an insulting use of the image of woman while others condemned domestic violence. 



     stereotypes about women

     sexism in ads


    A prezi presentation on self-esteem



    ...and posters:



    The image of woman: an awareness campaign against sexism


    The image of woman: an awareness campaign against sexism

    The image of woman: an awareness campaign against sexism The image of woman: an awareness campaign against sexism

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  • Friendship

    The 3e have been thinking and writing about what their ideal friend might be like. Read what a perfect friend is according to them.


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  • The notioTravel through timen of what a beautiful woman is has kept changing. Fashion imposes its diktats on women in a merciless way. It is also deeply interconnected with the events every generation goes through. Follow Selima's travel through the last century and find out what pretty women were supposed to look like:


    Western standards of beauty. (For best effect, click on "3d" in the bottom left-hand corner.)

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